“Talented Students Program” Students Visited King Abdulaziz University Hospital Clinical Skills Laboratory

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Students from the “Talented Students Program” have visited the King Abdulaziz University Hospital Clinical Skill Department on 28/10/1437H (02/08/2016G). Under the supervision of Mr. Jamal AlSharman and Ms Samah Baksh of Clinical Skills Laboratory, they have organized a short CPR course for the students. The objectives of the visit were to illustrate to the students the principles of the Clinical Skills Laboratory; to guide and support students to further develop their capabilities to serve the needs of the society; and to provide an opportunity for the students to discover the areas of academic and scientific mission.

The students expressed their happiness through what they have experienced in these sessions, the tour which comes with the programs and activities connected to the Talented Students Program.

King Abdulaziz University Hospital’s Clinical Skill Laboratory is one of the leading skills center in the Middle East. It has adopted various methods in educating, training, and performing simulations to health care professionals to enhance their skills in the delivery of health care to patients and maintaining patient safety.




Last Update
8/7/2016 4:17:29 PM