Health Minister Visited King Abdulaziz University Hospital Jeddah

شعار المستشفى

Health Minister Visit

His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, The Minister of Health, visited King Abdulaziz University Hospital Jeddah on the evening of 6/12/1435H (4/12/2014G). He was greeted upon arriving in the University Hospital by Prof. Mahmoud Shaheen Al-Ahwal, Dean of Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Amro AlHibshi, Director of University Hospital; Prof. Tariq Madani, Chairman of Infection Control & Environmental Health Unit; Dr. Sameera AlBasri, Medical Director; and Mr. Hisham Abulnaja, Director General for Administration. The Health Minister was briefed by the KAUH executives regarding the extensive preparations made by the University Hospital in handling patients suspected and infected by the Corona virus. He then visited the isolation unit and the intensive care unit stating that the University Hospital must always stay on high-alert and give the highest level of care to patients. After the tour, a meeting between the Health Minister and the KAUH Executives was held. They tackled ways and field of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and King Abdulaziz University Hospital, receiving and treating patients, and encouraging professors and consultants to give suggestions and to actively participate in the scientific committee of the Ministry of Health.
After the meeting was adjourned, the Health Minister together with the KAUH Executives proceeded to the Emergency Department where they witnessed some patients receiving medical treatment. He also talked to some healthcare providers. Before the Health Minister departed the University Hospital, he instructed the KAUH Executives to continue providing high-quality treatments and services to the people.
It is worth mentioning that the University Hospital received a number of suspected Corona Virus cases in the past few weeks, and only three patients had been diagnosed to be infected of the virus. One of the patients received the necessary treatment and was then discharged upon full recovery and without any complications. And the other two patients are currently receiving treatments and are placed in the isolation unit. The two patients were removed from their respirators and now in stable condition. The University Hospital had made vast customization in their isolation unit to treat the infected patients and to protect and prevent the staff from acquiring the virus. And also, the staffs working in the isolation unit have undergone screening and results showed that all staffs are clean and in good condition.

Last Update
4/17/2014 11:10:46 AM