The "Justice" Gallery (Sponsored by: Prof. Abdulrahman Obaid Al-Youbi)

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The Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Mahmoud Shaheen Al-Ahwal, and the Vice Dean and University Hospital Director, Dr. Amro AlHibshi together with Dr. Abdullah Mofareh AlTheyab spearheaded the opening ceremony of an art gallery exhibit entitled “Justice” to commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day that was held in the main lobby of the King Abdulaziz University Hospital that happen on 12/03/1438H (11/12/2016G).

The exhibit was organized under the supervision of Dr. Bandar Baghanem of the Faculty of Law together with some Faculty of Law student and with the collaboration of the Public Relation Department of the University Hospital.

The exhibit focuses on corruption in hospitals, possible causes of corruption, ensuring occupational safety and health practices within the hospital, and to correct unlawful and unjust practices happening in hospitals. The exhibit will last until 13/03/1438H (12/12/2016G)





Last Update
12/26/2016 12:06:27 PM