The internal medical department was founded in 1977 by Prof Hadok. It is one of the largest departments at KAU and the largest at the faculty of medicine at KAU. The Medical department covers the specialty of internal medicine and wide ranges of all subspecialties of internal medicine. Medical is representing the biggest department in the area of the patient care service at KAUH at covers internal Medicine and other subspecialties subspecialties
- Gastroenterology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiology
- Respiratory/Pulmonology
- Geriatric Medicine
- Neurology
- Psychiatry
- Oncology
- Rheumatology
- Infectious Diseases
- Nephrology
Department of Medicine is effectively working in the many research projects in the Faculty of Medicine. Currently the department has 10 members at a Professor level and this is the highest number in the college.
Some of the department members have research award.
In addition, some of the department members given leadership position (Administrative) i.e. University President, Hospital Director, Medical Director, Dean, Vice Dean Clinical Affairs, Vice Dean Post Graduate Affairs, and Vice Dean Female section.
The department founded/established the SSIM since 1423 and conducting conferences, courses and symposiums.
To teach the undergraduate and the graduate students the practice in internal medicine
And to provide the best quality and safe patients care practice.
The Department shall be recognized as the best medical departments locally and regionally, in teaching under-and post-graduate students and physicians as well as leader in applying principles of quality control in patients’ care and the development of subspecialties in all branches of Internal Medicine.
* Sincerity in work.
* Continuous improvement and creativity.
* Professionalism.
* Commitment.
* Sense of responsibility.
* Sincerity and devotion.
In term of medical education:
Undergraduate students teaching:
- 2nd year involved in basic modules
- 3rd year involved in basic modules
- 4th year Internal medicine
- 5th year (psychiatry)
6th year Internal medicine
Graduate education :
The internal medicine department at KAU is running the largest program for internal medicine training for the Saudi and Arab board certificates in internal medicine in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Currently more than 52 residents are registered in this program.
The department is also a main training center for all the fellowship training programs for the Saudi certificate, for instance gastroenterology, rheumatology, respirology endocrinology.
The internal medicine department is also recognized as a main exam center for the MRCP part 1 exam and for the written part2 exam.
In term of patient care the department is covering the following services : the departments covers
the male and the female medical wards with a total bed capacity of 110 beds, the isolation unit with a bed capacity of 15 beds, CCU with a bed capacity of 10beds, in-patients dialysis unit with total of 8 beds ( this unit covers admitted patients in the hospital who need dialysis), out patent dialysis unit with a bed capacity of 15 machines running 2 shifts of patients per day.
The Medical Department is covering an Emergency patient service 24/7 with at least 2 seniors and 2 joiners covering the service at any time and supervised by medical consultant. The usual medical beds number for medical patients in ER at any time is around 20-25 beds.
The inpatient services includes
- The gastroenterology endoscopy unit
- The pulmonology unit and the sleep lab.
The infection control unit and the 16 beds Isolation word
The Medical department also covers wide range of subspecialty consultations to different departments of the hospital including the ICU, surgical department, Obstetric department, ENT, Ophthalmology and other departments.
Together with the social department and the great help of the home health care department the department of medicine was able to organize and outstanding discharge home program for many bed ridden patients under the care of their families, under the title of home health care program.
The department is also running more than 60 clinics per week that include, internal medicine and subspecialty clinics in addition to dermatology and psychiatry clinics.
The department is also unique in what called the medical rapid access clinic that see urgent referrals from ER and other departments early without waiting for appointment
In term of society support services:
Through its history the internal medicine department members had shard and founded patient voluntary support associations like:
-The cancer society association
- Zmzm association for patients relieve
- Diabetic patients association
- Alzheimer Association
- The cerebro-vascular accident patients association
The department is actively participating in most of the patients' awareness campaigns in the western region of Saudi Arabia.
MOBILE: 0503603975
Place of Birth: Alkhobar
Marital Status: Married
Academic Position: Assistant Professor
Specialty: Cardiology
Qualifications & Certificates:
- Certified Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
- MSc Cardiology
- Certified Saudi Board of Internal Med
- Arab Board Legible of Internal Med.
- MbChB
Ext. 18244
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