United States Patent and Trademark Office Grants Patent to Diabetic Foot Chair at King Abdulaziz University
Two inventions from Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi Chair for Diabetic Foot Researches were granted their patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for inventing a set of fixtures that uses natural method to help accelerate the healing of wounds according to the supervisor of the Chair for Diabetic Foot Researches, Prof. Hassan Al-Zahrani.
Prof. Hassan Al-Zahrani also stated that the concept has been acquired from more than 20 years of experience in handling the wounds of diabetic patients. Together with Dr. Abed Balkis Bakhtmah, an associate professor from the Department of Nutrition and Food Science and also a researcher at the chair, they conducted preliminary research and conducted laboratory experiments for more than 5 years. They soon confirmed the effectiveness of their natural formulation that helps accelerate the wound healing of patients suffering from diabetic foot, and ulcers at the patient’s back that is caused by prolonged lying.
It was 3 years ago since they applied for the registration for a patent in US Patent and Trademark Office for their invention. Their invention underwent tedious reviews and examinations. And on April 22, 2014, the US Patent and Trademark Office finally approved and issued the patent to their invention that has a patent number of 703205.
Prof. Hassan Al-Zahrani stated that the new invention will have a significant impact in treating patients. Having natural formulations, it is administered topically to all types of wounds, especially wounds that are infected by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Using antibiotics to treat antibiotic resistant bacteria can increase the risk of adding further injury. With this new invention, having its natural formulations, not only it will reduce the use of treatments containing antibiotics, but also promotes the new product of the inventors.
Prof. Al-Zahrani concluded his statements by offering sincere thanks to Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi for his tremendous support for the Scientific Chair, and also to Prof. Osama Tayeb, the Rector of King Abdulaziz University, for sponsoring the scientific research.